We provide access to basic vision care for everyone, everywhere
We support the creation of micro-enterprises and enable people to work according to their capabilities
We increase productivity and earnings of low income people
100% of our end customers are
Bottom of the Pyramid people
We help children improve school performance and adults to read
60% of people with uncorrected
poor vision are women and girls
We at Dot Glasses are committed to the highest social, environmental and governance standards according to universally accepted conventions. That’s why we ensure that our employees are treated fairly, our suppliers are certified and respect human rights in the workplace, our production leaves minimal environmental damage , and there is no room for corruption in our value chain.
Dot Glasses is proud to be called an inclusive business – its solution was specifically designed to improve the lives of people living at the ”Bottom of the Pyramid” (BoP) all around the world. In fact, 100% of our end users are people designated as low income. We give them a chance to work better, earn more, study better and lead safer lives.
Large, positive effects of providing eyeglasses have been recorded in multiple studies in low- and mid-income settings. In a broadly accepted study among tea pickers in India, research has shown the following average impact of glasses provision.
Glasses impact on worker productivity
Glasses impact on monthly income
Economic impact of $1 invested into glasses
We cooperate with trusted organizations and governments to support everyone´s right for decent living.
We bring good vision for work productivity and protect fair conditions for young entrepreneurs to sell affordable eyeglasses to their communities.
Everyone should have the same opportunities for health, education, work and family life and good vision is a important part of those values.